Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Our big boy!

So much has happened since we last blogged! River City Rodeo has come and gone, and we all survived! Blaise was shuttled here, there and everywhere and passed off between lots of people. He was such a trooper and did awesome! We spent three nights at the Hilton Omaha. He experienced the parade, a tad bit of the stock show and event, and spent Saturday night with the grandparents the Chute Club/Bar Area during the rodeo. Michael got into Omaha about 9 p.m. on Saturday night - enough time to have a few drinks with me. He saw Blaise for a few hours Sunday morning and was back on the road later that afternoon. He has now been gone for almost a month straight, only being back for just a few hours two different nights. I guess I can say I know what it's like to be a single mom!

All three of us are super ready to go back to being a "family", but it doesn't look like Mike's schedule is slowing down anytime soon. Right now he is scheduled to be home again October 10th, but I'm not making any bets. Phew- is it November yet!?!

Blaise is still a super awesome happy baby. He still loves being outside more than anything in the world. He has started doing much better with his bottles again. We are testing out baby food- which he LOVES! We've done apples, bananas and tonight was peas. Can't get enough!

Yesterday was a developmental appointment at Children's that's been scheduled since he was born. It ended up being three hours long. He was seen by a psychologist- who made him do tasks like reach for toys, follow sounds, respond and so on. He was also seen by a physical therapist to see if he was on track muscle and strength-wise. A developmental doctor saw him as did our cardio-thoracic PA Carmen. We ended the day with a hearing test. We basically learned that they were pretty happy with how he was doing. He is about right on track, but slightly behind in some areas- upper body strength wise which is completely common with babies who've had heart surgeries. We've been told tummy-time should be done lots to keep up with his development. My goal is sitting by Halloween. I hope we make it! He can roll both directions all of the time now! It's so fun to see. Mike missed it and still hasn't seen it, so I need to remember to video tape it for him. He is about 10% on the growth curve in all areas. He weights 14 lbs 8 oz. His blood pressure was high- 120 (should be about 90) which alarmed me- but Carmen wasn't concerned. He also passed his hearing test with flying colors. I was informed that genetic testing was actually never done on Blaise right after he was born. I was a bit upset by this, because we were told repeatedly this would be the first thing done after birth, and the multiple times we asked for results were told that everything must have been clear because we never heard anything. Therefore, Blaise will be having blood work done at this next appointment on November 30 to see if his heart condition is genetic at all.

He also has an appointment in about a week withe pediatrician to start all of his immunizations, the flu shot and his RSV shot. He will finally be having a swallow study done November 12 (even though we've been feeding him regular formula and not thickened.)

I was reminded at our appointment that whooping cough is terrible right now and anyone that comes in contact with him should have the shot. They've basically pulled down the iron curtain again and for most part we will be locked into 315 Golf Link Drive into the flowers are blooming next spring. :( Whatever it takes to keep this little boy healthy!!!!!!

We also identified the culprit of the fussiness and constant drooling- his first tooth is just starting to pop through!

This weekend we are headed to Treynor for lots of things. I have Monday off work so it will be an extended stay.

God continues to shower us with His blessings.There isn't a single day that goes by that we don't feel his love and blessings in our life. We know He will continue to provide, and we will continue to live life to its fullest and not worry about Blaise's special heart.

 Visiting the pumpkin patch!

 I like this one!

 With my red butt monkey!
 I'm supposed to hold this sign that says Happy Birthday Aunt Jenna?! Way more fun to crumple it up!

 This was my super crazy hair day! I'm loosing all my hair on the front and sides!
Mom and me and the rodeo. I've got on my cowboy boots, jeans and western shirt!

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