Friday, October 12, 2012

Six months old!

WOW! There were so many times since January that I wondered if we would be celebrating a six month birthday with our baby. God is so great, and has given us this special opportunity, as Blaise Andrew is six months old today! What a big boy! We are such proud parents. If a stranger were to meet Blaise for the first time, there is no way they would know the little boy they were looking at only had half a heart. He is doing just about everything a healthy little boy his age would be doing. Our own hearts are swelling with the pride we have of this little miracle. By far, this is the most fun we've had!

Blaise is a rolling machine! He rolls over all of the time now. He will roll to grab his toys, to play and more. I walked out of the room earlier tonight, and Blaise rolled all the way to the other side of the room by the time I got back- I think he was trying to follow me. The other night I woke up to a loud "thud, thud, thud" sound on the monitor. I jumped up a ran into his room to find him wide awake and completely turned around- his head where his feet normally are. He was laying there in bed the wrong way kicking his monitor!!

He has developed the most incredible personality. His newest thing is wanting and grabbing for EVERYTHING he sees. We will sit at the table and hold him on our lap when we eat, and we've learned to push everything back, because he immediately grabs for the plate and bowls and would pull them over on top of him if we would let him. He has an attitude. I'm not sure where he gets that from, but at hte moment we will blame Aunt Jenna. If he doesn't get something he wants he will scream- right now!He has this new high-pitched squeal he likes to use now too. Yep, he is still spoiled! :) He also has learned to get mad if we don't get him his bottle soon enough. If he see's the bottle- you better be ready to feed him! His trick when eating is getting his thumb wedged up by the nipple and sucking on it too when he is eating. STINKER! He'll be holding his own bottle in no time.

He has finally developed the Hartwell appetite! It just took solid food! Watching him eat is hilarious. You'd think a rockstar was standing in front of him and not just his spoon- he gets that excited. Grandpa Craig thinks he is like a baby bird just holding his mouth open all hte time for hte next bite. He gets solids about twice a day now. So far he has eaten apples, bananas, pears, peas and carrotts.

This past weekend was a long one spent and Grandma and Grandpa Sudmann's. Blaise got to go to Uncle Adam's for Grandma and Grandpa's 60th Birthday party, got family pictures taken on Saturday morning, and went mom's cousin Shauna's wedding reception. It was a busy weekend!

Dad has been busy working for about the past four weeks. We've seen him two nights since September 17th. Both times were at night while we were sleeping and under 12 hours. Needless to say, we are all ready for some time together. Mike hasn't seen Blaise roll yet, eat solid food, see his first tooth and just see how big he has gotten! It sounds like he might be home tomorrow night and Sunday, then it's going to get busier than ever. Hoping November brings some slower times and more breaks.

It's amazing to think that about this exact weekend last year, Mike and I were telling our parents that we were expecting.

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