Tuesday, July 24, 2018

PreOp Day

First off, our family is overwhelmed with the prayers, love and support we are receiving. We really can’t put into words how much it means to us, and how touched we are by all of it. We know the prayers are being heard. From the cards, gifts and even the continual prayer chain so many of you signed up for your 15 min slot over the next two days- we are feeling the support.

We survived the fair, and besides Blaise, proved a great distraction for all of us. The kids were in bed by 9:30 last night and Mike and I felt pretty packed and ready to go. The last two nights have been a little rough for Blaise with lots of nervous questions and tears. I’ve laid with him in bed each night reassuring him. Honestly, Mike and I are doing pretty good. We know Blaise has to go through this surgery and are remembering that his heart has been through open heart surgery twice before- so it should handle a third the same way. We are hoping once the recovery subsides Blaise will feel much better.

After dropping Sutton and Holten off at daycare, I lost it a bit- making Sutton upset. I’m sure they are fine now. Our appointments this morning were with a few different doctors including Amy, who hadn’t seen Blaise since his first surgeries when he was born. It was fun to catch up. Blaise handled most of the appointments fine including all his typical vitals, an Ekg, and chest X-ray. We moved over to the cares unit where they used a blue marker to write on his chest. For some reason he was so mad/scared of this that he was screaming and flailing so badly you’d have thought they were cutting off his arm. It was the same for getting his blood drawn. Dr Hammel had gotten called into a surgery, so he wasn’t able to meet with us. I also thought a child life specialist would be coming in today to explain more about what was going to happen, but there wasn’t. Hopefully this happens in the morning, or mike and I will. We were able to get most of the stuff done today, so we won’t need to worry about it in the morning. Our nurse today and tomorrow morning is from Tekamah. We were told since most was done, we won’t need to be there until 630.

From there, we checked into the rainbow house and to waste time Blaise picked the zoo and now Texas Roadhouse for supper. He’s doing good. Tomorrow and Thursday will be the hardest of our lives. I’m sure Blaise is going to get lots of love tonight as Mike and I soak him and every moment up!

I may post again briefly tonight.

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