Sunday, April 27, 2014

Blaise is two!!

Blaise had an awesome second birthday party! How in the world is he two already?! I think he is our entire world! We love every single second with him.  He had a wonderful birthday party. The theme was John Deere tractors and farms. He loved his cake and kept pointing to it and saying "mine. Mom accidentally stuck my hand in the front of it and kind of ruined it before the party. He also loved when we sang Happy Birthday to him, and sat on the table smiling big. He did great opening presents and ripped into every single one of them. His favorite present of the night ended up being a drill and tool set. He also got a bubble mower, picnic table, sleeping bag and red flyer trike. He did so great all day long. The weather was great and we grilled out on the deck and ate outside. We went in to open presents and have cake and ice cream and it started getting cold out. The next day it snowed! We are so thankful to get to celebrate these wonderful milestones with Blaise. We couldn't have imagined how amazing of a child he was going to be at two years old!! He absolutely melts the hearts of everyone that his ever met him. He is widely known throughout our community and I'm pretty sure everyone loves him.
At his two year old check up appointment he was pretty miserable. Who blames him, as he has gotten shots at the doctors office every month and every time he has been there for the past six months. He started sobbing about five blocks before we got there and didn't stop for the whole hour appointment. He got two shots that day. He weighed 25 lbs 3 oz. He was pretty much in the 20-30% for all categories. Once they turn two, they put them on the big boy scale instead of the baby one and leave all their clothes on. I'm guessing he is a little bit under 25 lbs. He was also 34 inches tall. The doctors were impressed with how he is doing.
We had a fetal echo done at Children's on Baby H #2. Dr. Danford gave the report of this one having no heart disease! We are moving right along and around ten weeks til this baby arrives. Lots to do before then! Funny how little you think about your pregnancy once you already have one.
Blaise loves to be outside, loves the neighbor kids Brady and Maycie. He would go outside every second of the day if he could. His favorites are digging in the dirt and dumping it into buckets. Anything to get dirty. He has been taking swimming lessons every Saturday morning at the YMCA in Fremont. The first lesson he wouldn't let go of Mom, was clinging and not so sure. Each week he has done great and loves swimming now. He stands on his own on the stand thing, kicks his feet and floats on back and tummy. He is in love with the bath tub now too. He thinks he needs a bath every second of the day. His vocabulary is totally taking off. I DO still seems to be his favorite saying and answer for everything. I DO need Milk. I DO need a bath etc etc. He is very polite and says please and thank you and bless you a lot. He has been doing good on the potty and goes once or twice a day on it. He calls it poopy instead of potty every time though! He has been doing great going to bed and sleeps through the night until about 6 in the morning. We are putting off switching to a big boy bed, but really need to.  The Friday before his birthday I took his pacifier away from him. He is doing pretty good and going on two plus weeks without it. I'm so proud of our big boy!!!!
I wish I could bottle up every memory and never forget them. I know how much I'll miss them someday. We try to just tell ourselves to enjoy each day and each second and minute with him as much as possible. All the time we think how great it is to be this incredible little boy's parents.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Picture post


Baby h 
Snacks on deck
St Patricks day
Cow chores w dad
Hauling hay
With cousin cooper
Tractor w uncle Adam
Ranger with great grandpa and grandpa Sudmann
Zoo time
Hugging Elmo