Sunday, April 29, 2012

Meeting Friends

As the talk of getting to go home gets a little stronger, Mike and I want to extend our most sincere thanks and gratitude by the overwhelming support we have received so far. We've learned so much through Blaise, and the reasoning why God placed him in our life, and one of those lessons is how amazing our friends and family and even strangers are. We've heard so many stories of the prayer chains Blaise is on, and of people praying for him across the United States. I'm pretty sure he has prayers in over half the states! Amazing how much one little person can touch so many people.

We would love to say thank you to each of you by giving you the chance to meet Blaise, but due to his highly fragile state this won't be entirely possible. The doctors have warned how life-threatening it will be if Blaise even gets a tiny bit sick. They have told us to not allow many visitors, absolutely nobody who even thinks they might be sick, etc. For the most part we will stay away from all restaurants, grocery stores, public areas with him as well. 

Once we are allowed to head home, we are asking for a week or two to get settled. Mike and I have always joked that since we have such a big deck with huge glass doors, maybe we will have visitors come over to hang out on our deck and we will hold Blaise up to the window from inside the house for people to meet. This might be how we handle things for a little bit. We will also have lots of hand sanitizer, Lysol and masks to cover faces for any house visitors. This will be a standard rule for ALL visitors, so we hope nobody feels offended by this.

We hope that everyone understands these additional steps we are taking to keep Blaise healthy and give him the greatest chances through his next surgery. After surgery number two, these risks decrease quite a bit and we can become a bit more lenient.

Once again, we offer all of our thanks and praise to our wonderful God and Savior. His healing powers have reached Blaise and we are eternally grateful. We can't wait to spread the good works of God throughout the years through Blaise. His story is one we are ready to tell a thousand times! He is a miracle, there is no doubt about it. We think the doctors and surgeons would even agree!!

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