It’s February 1st, which means it’s Heart Month! 1 in 100 babies are born with a heart defect. Blaise was born with Hypoplastic Right Heart Syndrome, often known as the most severe heart defect. After three open heart surgeries and three heart cath surgeries, Blaise will live his life with only a two (not four) chamber heart. Not a week goes by that I don’t see or hear about the death of another heart warrior. Our family continues to be in awe and so thankful to God for the life He’s provided Blaise. We hope his current heart will last him into his 30’s, and with the constant improvement of modern medicine, even longer. To my other heart mama friends who know what this life is like: you are the strongest moms I know, thank you for the constant support. To Blaise: you are a warrior in the truest form. I’m in amazement of how you live everyday, oblivious to the fact that you are any different. You are the one who reassures me daily that “I’m fine mom, I’m not hot, cold, puffy, blue, clammy, tired, short of breath......” 😂 You’ve also taken the last year in stride, and have heard more no’s then yeses than any kiddo should. I’m forever blessed beyond measure to be your mom. Thank you for the many, many prayers said for Blaise. God has been hearing them!