I'll try and catch everyone up to speed on Mr. Blaise. I apologize for how long it has been since there has been update. Fall is such a hard time, Mike is gone almost all of it. Finally the middle of November his schedule slowed down and he has been home more. It was amazing the difference I noticed in Blaise as soon as his dad was around more.
I'll start with some health updates on Blaise, then move on to some of the fun stuff we've been up to.
Blaise has officially started his synagis RSV shots. We have to do monthly weights for these, and unfortunately in October when he got weighed, he had not gained anything since August. A few weeks later in November when he was weighed he was up to 22 lbs even! Unfortunately, this is very small for a 20 month old. His size 12 pants are still too big on him. He will be 21 months old in a few weeks. We have started trying to give him adult Ensure to help pack on some calories. He is a very picky eater and basically only eats hot dogs or mac and cheese. about every day. Day care has been going ok but he has been getting sick a lot. He has had a pretty good cold with a snotty nose and cough for about a month. Unfortuantely, on Thanksgiving he woke up with a temperature. After spending the day at the Hartwell's, we headed to Treynor and upon arrival Blaise had a 102 temperature. With so many things going around, and not wanting to worry about him all night, we decided to head to Children's ER since that was the only thing open on Thanksgiving. We can now cross the ER off our list of places we had yet to see at Children's. After a chest x-ray and four very miserable pokes and digging around in his arms they finally got blood drawn. It was decided he has a virus that needs to run its course. Being at the hospital again was no fun. He kept looking at Mike and I with his hands in the air saying" WHY" every time they tired to do something to him. All I could think was how hard his next surgery is going to be. WOW. He was put on amoxicilian, which has been giving him pretty bad diarrhea on top of not wanting to eat. I'm very nervous that we are going to go backwards again on weight after dealing with this. He then started doing better, and got a sinus infection and ear infection the Monday before Christmas. A few meds and he was on the mend again, both Mike and I have been sick, I had the flu, but it hasn't gotten to Blaise yet, knock on wood. He has continued to get his RSV shots once a month a cries as soon as we get to the parking lot. He is holding steady on weight, hoping for some slow increases. He is a pretty good grazer and snacks a lot throughout the day.
He has decided that he no longer needs to sit at his high chair, or a booster, or any chair for that matter at the table. Right now, the only way we can get him to eat is if I hold him on my lap.
Day care is going okay, he is doing better and doesn't cry the whole day anymore. Once in a while he seems excited to go, and others he sobs when I drop him off. As long as he can stay healthy I think day care is a good thing. He has started saying a few more words, more, ewww, puppy, burr, etc. I think he is coming around in this area. For awhile there was a little boy that was getting potty trained at day care. Blaise thought he should also sit on the potty all the time, so I would set him on it but I think it was more a fun idea than him actually knowing what he was doing. We will try maybe next summer. We are always surprised at how smart Blaise is. Of course every parent does, but there isn't too much that gets past this kid! Cracks us up how many ideas he has and how he doesn't forget anything. He knows his way around in a car pretty well and knows how to get to the grandparents, flower shop, grocery store, cows, Red Barn, etc.
I'll try and back up to October and let you know what we've been up to. I'm sure I'll forget a hundred things. We spent almost every weekend in October at my parents on the farm. Blaise can't get enough of that place and is obsessed with the horses and tractors. He got plenty of tractor and combine rides. He went with my mom and myself to Des Moines to visit Aunt Jenna and Uncle Mitch for our annual shopping trip. He got drug along the whole time this time and did great in the car and a full day of shopping. We carved pumpkins for the first time while we were there and Blaise thought it was fun putting the lid on and off the pumpkin. We also went to Boo at the Zoo in Des Moines for trick or treating. For Halloween Blaise was dressed as a puppy. He did really good wearing his costume. He got candy, wanted to eat it right away, and would pick a piece of the basket and put the one he was just eating in it instead! This was the first day we realized that he kept saying puppy on repeat! He loved being a puppy!
He did fall down a couple of steps once this fall and cut his lip open a bit, I freaked out because it was the first time I had actually seen him bleed! (obviously his two surgeries didn't count ha!). Just a little bump and cut and all was well. We tried to spend as much time as we could outside this fall since he just loves it. Trips to the park and playing in the leaves.
In November we were busy getting ready for the Holidays. Blaise loves to "cook" in the kitchen with me and thinks he can have all of the spices and ingredients I use to make things. He loves stacking blocks and playing with his tractors. He also learned to climb on pretty much everything. He always grabs your hand and pulls you to where he wants you to go. He drinks out of a big person cup now and always has to share mom's glass with her.
Thanksgiving was cut short as we spent time in the ER. We went Christmas tree shopping for a real tree the beginning of December it was a beautiful day so Blaise went with. His favorite part was the ride in the wagon behind the tractor on the way to the field, except he couldn't figure out why he couldn't actually ride in the tractor. He left the tree alone pretty good this year and loved looking at Chrsitmas lights, he would point them out to us from the car. The middle of December he went to Kansas City with grandma Donna, mom and Aunt Jenna. We ate at a restaurant where the served you by trains and he loved it. We did some exploring and he sat on Santa's lap for the first time. No big deal he loved Santa! He says Ho Ho Ho when you ask him what Santa says. The next weekend he sat on Santa's lap again with mom and dad at Bass Pro Shop. He gave him a high-five and did great!
For Christmas, we did Christmas Eve at the Hartwells we went to Church with them and Great Grandpa Glenn from Kansas. Blaise sat very good through church as was intrigued by the candle and cup for the candle-lit service. Santa came Christmas morning, then off the Treynor and the Sudmann's. He got lots of presents there again and had a blast opening them all. Of course he was super spoiled all Christmas. The weekend after Christmas the whole Hartwell family got together and he loved playing with his cousins. He spent New Years Eve at Grandpa and Grandma Sudmann's and we are now getting back into a regular routine.
I'll get this posted for now, and fill in pictures later! Hope everyone enjoyed catching up!